About us

What do we stand for?

We provide access to high-resolution object and spatial data, indicators, models, simulations and tools across scales and sectors.

We offer selective information on land use, settlements, buildings and ecosystems.

Our products support profound changes towards sustainability in neighbourhoods, cities and regions.

We focus on cross-cutting spatial developments in Germany, but we also look at specific aspects within Europe and globally.

Our services support spatial decision making and are aimed at researchers, policymakers and administrators, business and civil society stakeholders.

Our products enable evidence-based exploration of human-environment interactions, facilitating both retrospective analysis and future predictions.

How do we work?

We unlock rapidly growing heterogeneous datasets such as land use, 3D, remote sensing, socio-economic, sensor and user-generated data according to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).

Our work uses methods from spatial data science and spatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI).

We integrate, analyse and visualise spatial data to interpret the status quo, development dynamics and alternative future scenarios.

We develop user and issue-oriented products, using cross-scale and multi-temporal approaches to address challenges in different spatial and temporal contexts.

We use interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and transformative research methods to engage stakeholders in the development of our programmes.

Our products are available through a variety of user-centered interfaces (downloads, reports, tools, interfaces).

We provide consultancy and training focused on data-driven approaches and methodologies.

What do we offer?




Time Series

How are we organised?

Our research data is fed by the IOER's four research departments, which work both independently and on an interdisciplinary basis. The RDC pools these data and results and makes them easily accessible.

How are we networked?

We are a member of the National Research Data Infrastructure e. V. (NFDI) and collaborate in several consortia.

The NFDI is set to become part of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

We are part of the implementation network Go FAIR-Initiative.

We learn from the Leibniz network LeibnizData and support its activities


Consortium for the social, educational, behavioural and economic sciences in the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI).


A research data infrastructure by the University of Mannheim dedicated to transforming the way Business, Economic, and Related Data are managed.


NFDI4Biodiversity is a consortium under the umbrella of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) dedicated to mobilising biodiversity and environmental data for collective use.


NFDI Consortium Earth System Sciences; Konsortium der führenden nationalen Einrichtungen der Erdsystemwissenschaften


NFDI4Memory is one of the 27 NFDI consortia within Germany that will jointly manage the creation of a long-term and sustainable research data infrastructure ("Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur," or "NFDI") for the digital age.

European Open Science Cloud

EOSC is a pan-European project designed to create a virtual environment for sharing and accessing research data across borders and scientific disciplines.


GO FAIR is a bottom-up, stakeholder-driven and self-governed initiative that aims to implement the FAIR data principles, making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR).


The Leibniz Association brings together 96 independent research institutions. Its focus ranges from the natural sciences, engineering and environmental sciences to economics, spatial and social sciences and the humanities.